Furniture collisions

How can I make a furniture solid?

You can make a furniture solid adding the "solid" attribute and specifying a hitbox (if you want > 1x1x1)

    display_name: display-name-table
    permission: table
      - 'lore-decorative-item'
      material: OAK_WOOD
      generate: false
      model_path: item/table
        small: true
        solid: true
        entity: armor_stand
          length: 1
          width: 1
          height: 1
          length_offset: 0
          width_offset: 0
          height_offset: 0

Hitbox has wrong location

Sometimes you need to also specify an "offset" to fix the hitbox location. This can happen if your furniture is 2x1x1 for example.

Wrong hitbox location

Correct location

I had to set a width offset of 0.5. You can also use negative values if needed.

          length: 1
          width: 2
          height: 1
          width_offset: 0.5

Preview the hitbox

Hitboxes limitations

item_frame limitations (doesn't affect armor_stand)

Furnitures that use entity: item_frame support only hitbox with width and length of the same value. Example: width: 2, length: 2, height: 1.

If you want to have different width and length use entity: item_display or armor_stand.

Last updated

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