Using Custom Items
To use your custom items, obtain the custom model data of the item using /iacustommodeldata <item>
. The resulting value will be a number, for example 10012
In your cluescrolls config, add customModelData: #####
below the material:
Example of tier config:
Custom model data can also be used for crystals, mystery scrolls and the purchase inventory.
For more details see
Items Adder Clue Types
ClueScrolls provides custom clue types that can be used on your scrolls.
itemsadder_blockbreak (namespacedid, material, blockdata, blockx, blocky, blockz, world)
itemsadder_blockplace (namespacedid, material, blockdata, blockx, blocky, blockz, world)
itemsadder_blockinteract (namespacedid, action, equipmentslot, material, blockdata, blockx, blocky, blockz, world)
itemsadder_customentitykill (namespacedid, entitytype, entitycustomname, world)
itemsadder_furniturebreak (namespacedid, world)
itemsadder_furnitureplace (namespacedid, world)
For more examples see
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