Translate this wiki

How to translate this wiki?

Getting a new branch for your language

Contact LoneDev and ask him to create a new branch for your language. Feel free to ping LoneDev on the Discord or to open a support ticket in the community channel.

Setting up your repository

Then, after the branch creation, open the Github repository of this wiki, press on Fork.

Untick this option!

Click here to change the branch.


Select a file you want to edit and press the pen button

Edit the file and then press Commit changes

Important notes

  • Do not add content or new pages, only translate texts.

  • The only content you can add is a "translated by" text in the welcome page.

  • Do not remove the # special characters, translate only the next text, these are titles.

  • Do not remove or edit special texts inside { }, for example {% hint style="info" %}, these are used to create the hint message boxes.

  • Do not remove * character, these are used to create lists

  • Do not remove emojis

  • Do not translate or remove the --- description: --- text on top of some pages, translate only the inner text.

  • Do not remove \ on some lines end

  • Do not remove [TEXT](LINK) part, translate only the text, these are the clickable links.

Example of what you must not edit

Last step

Contact LoneDev in order to get your changes reviewed and added to the wiki. Feel free to ping LoneDev on the Discord or to open a support ticket in the community channel.

Would be good if you update your translation each time the main repository (the one in English) gets edited, to reflect changes. You can keep track of changes in the Discord notification channel.

Last updated