Merge Resourcepacks

Merge other resourcepacks (also custom plugins resourcepacks)

Why merging?

Minecraft before 1.20.3 supports only 1 server resourcepack. Even the support for multiple resource packs is flawed as custom model data won't be merged. If you have more than one resourcepack you need to merge them.

How to merge?

Step 1

Copy the assets folder of your resourcepack.

Step 2

Paste the assets folder of your resourcepack inside a new contents sub-folder. For example merged_pack_1: ItemsAdder/contents/merged_pack_1/resourcepack/

Step 3

Use the /iazip command to compress the ItemsAdder resourcepack. (Make sure to follow the correct hosting tutorial based on the hosting method you decided).

Step 4 (advanced users)

If you are merging more than 1 pack you might need to decide a merge priority. Open config.yml and write the load priority order of your contents sub-folders folders.

      - vanilla
      - _iainternal
      - merged_pack_1
      - merged_pack_2
      - merged_pack_3
      # ... other packs here of which you want to change load order.



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