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Frequently asked questions
Last updated
3 months ago
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How to download Spigot
3.3 vs 3.2
Resourcepack is not loading correctly
Removing default stuff
Plugin doesn't work
Turkish computer errors
Thirst/mana bar
I can't see emoji, GUIs, HUDs etc.
Rectangle character
Recipes book problems
Player is using a different protocol version
Placed heads texture glitched
Kick flight on join
Can't write in chat and can't move
Glitched blocks
I removed blocks but keep saying that I used all the IDs
I can't find any mineral/ore
Block particles not playing
Bungeecord / Velocity
I can't unzip the pack file
Slabs, stairs, tridents, elytra etc.
Armors textures not working with shaders mod
Armors animation and emission not working
Armor leather texture looks like metal
Armors not working PackSquash
Armor glow outline bug
Broken emote textures
Emotes with more joins
Citizens NPC doesn't rotate head
I see crisp textures far away
Liquids issues
Can't place itemframe on furniture
I can't remove furnitures and vehicles
Mohist issues