🔋ממשק משתמש

In order to create custom HUDs you have 2 examples provided in ItemsAdder and they make use of every feature available.

These two HUDs are the mana bar and the thirst bar. You can find them in the realcraft and in the magiccraft namespaces.

Disable/enable huds in worlds

You can easily disable/enable huds in some worlds, here some examples:

Enable in all worlds

To enable them in all worlds you just have to avoid entering any world in the list, don't write the property at all.

    enabled: true

Enable thirst in all worlds but not in world_the_end

    enabled: true
    - "!world_the_end"

Notice the ! in front of the world name. (It's very important to use the " " characters or plugin won't work (yml bug).

Enable thirst in all worlds of name which starts with world_ or adventure

    enabled: true
    - "world_*
    - "adventure*

Notice the * at the end, this means "any". (keep in mind that this works only at the end of the name)

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