יצירת תמונות פונט באופן עצמאי

How to create font images manually without ItemsAdder

Some servers may require font images to be created manually for various reasons, for example:

  • you don't want ItemsAdder to manage the fonts

  • you want to use a custom namespace and custom font name for some custom characters

  • you want to manage them on your own

Creating a custom character


As you can see I created a json configuration entry, this is the list of settings for my custom font image.

Now you have to add it to the default.json file: assets/minecraft/font/default.json.

To do so you have to add it into the "providers" attribute.


If you have more entries you have to add a , after the previous entry, for example:


Using a customized json file name

By using a customized json font file you can separate the default font characters from your custom characters.

To do so you just have to create a new json and call it whatever you want, for example my_font.json.

The complete path will be: assets/minecraft/font/my_font.json.

This feature only works on Minecraft 1.16+

Using a customized json namespace

If you want to further organize your pack you can use a customized namespace for your font file.

To do so you have to create a folder inside assets folder and use it instead of minecraft folder.

The complete path will be (for example): assets/your_namespace/font/my_font.json.

This feature only works on Minecraft 1.16+

Showing the customized namespace/font name in-game

If you customized the font namespace and/or the font name you have to use a special syntax to show your images in-game.

Example if you set both custom namespace and custom font name:

/tellraw @a [{"text":"Test message!","font":"your_namespace:my_font"}]

Example if you set only custom font name:

/tellraw @a [{"text":"Test message!","font":"my_font"}]

Last updated

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