
מרחב שמות

If you didn't create your namespace please follow the namespace tutorial.

Resourcepack hosting

Remember to decide a resourcepack hosting method before you start. I advise you to use self-host which is easier and faster, but you can also use Dropbox and similar

My first sword

Creating the swords file

This is an example sword (remember to change myitems namespace to the one you want).

For example I created a file which will contain all my custom swords:

In this file (myswords.yml) I start creating a simple sword called mysword

  namespace: myitems
    display_name: My Sword
    permission: mysword
      max_custom_durability: 1324

Item texture

Creating the texture file

Now the fun part, let's set the sword texture. To do that you have to put your sword .png texture file inside the correct folder. In this case your namespace is myitems so you have to put it here:

Applying the texture file to your item

Now open myswords.yml file again and add the resource part as I did. As you can see I set generate: true and I set the textures for the item. This tells the plugin to generate the 3D model automatically using your texture.

  namespace: myitems
    display_name: My Sword
    permission: mysword
      max_custom_durability: 1324
      material: DIAMOND_SWORD
      generate: true
      - item/example_item.png

Final part

Now you just need to tell the plugin to load your just added item. To do that you have to: - join the server - make sure you accepted the resourcepacks - use the command /iazip - if you're using external-host (DropBox) scroll down and follow the instructions. - get the item using /iaget mysword - DONE!

Now get your item

If you're using external-host (Dropbox) read here:

Don't forget to upload the new generated .zip file on your hosting (Dropbox)! 1. Get it from this folder:

2. Upload it to your hosting (Dropbox) 3. Open config.yml of ItemsAdder and update the external-host url with your new link.

    enabled: false
    server-ip: ''
    pack-port: 8163
    enabled: true
    url: 'https://www.dropbox.com/blablabla?dl=0'

If you have more questions read the full external-host tutorial here:


Last updated