📎Special placeholders


FontImage (emoji etc)

This is the code: %img_NAME% instead of NAME write the font_image name. For example: %img_smile%


You can shift text/font_images back and forward. For example

  • you can shift it back of 16 pixels by writing %img_offset_-16%

  • you can shift it forward of 16 pixels by writing %img_offset_16%

ItemsAdder PlayerStats (HUDs values)

These are stats used by ItemsAdder, they're not vanilla stats.

This is the code: %iaplayerstat_NAME% instead of NAME write the playerstat name. For example: %iaplayerstat_mana% or also %iaplayerstat_thirst%

You can use this command to test it out: /papi parse me %iaplayerstat_thirst% /papi parse me %iaplayerstat_mana%

Read more about playerstats

ItemsAdder built-in placeholders (without PlaceholderAPI)

FontImage (emoji etc.)

This is the code: :img_NAME: instead of NAME write the font_image name. For example: :img_smile:


You can shift text or font_images back and forward. For example

  • you can shift it back of 16 pixels by writing :img_offset_-16:

  • you can shift it forward of 16 pixels by writing :img_offset_16:

ItemsAdder PlayerStats (HUDs values)

These are stats used by ItemsAdder, they're not vanilla stats.

This is the code: :iaplayerstat_NAME: instead of NAME write the playerstat name. For example: :iaplayerstat_mana: or also :iaplayerstat_thirst:

Last updated

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