⚙ī¸First install

How to install the plugin

You should follow this first configuration on your test server on your PC to avoid mistakes and too many restarts.. players don't like when the server is offline. You can upload files to your real server after you finished here.

Make sure that all of your plugins and server software are up to date!

Step 1 - Installing the plugin and libraries

  • stop the server

  • install ProtocolLib

  • install LoneLibs

  • put ItemsAdder.jar file inside your plugins folder

  • start the server

  • let ItemsAdder finish loading everything

First step is done.

Now you must complete step 2 to configure the resourcepack (don't worry it's not very hard). DO NOT SKIP!

Step 2 - Resourcepack first installation

This step is important, the plugin WILL NOT WORK if you won't complete this step!

Before using the plugin you have to decide the resourcepack hosting method. Click down here to decide an hosting method for the resourcepack (best method: self-host).

📷Resourcepack hosting

Step 3 - (optional) Add official ItemsAdder custom content

ItemsAdder comes with a lot of custom content already created for you. It's not automatically included in the downloaded plugin because some people might not want every item/feature automatically added into their server.

Default pack (optional)

  • Download the latest version of the DefaultPack: DOWNLOAD

  • Extract the content into the ItemAdder folder and overwrite the files if asked

  • Run the /iazip command (and follow your hosting method if you're not using self-host).

Other pack (optional)

  • if you want you can download the OtherPacks which adds even more content: DOWNLOAD

  • extract the content into the ItemAdder folder and overwrite the files if asked

  • run the /iazip command (and follow your hosting method if you're not using self-host).

If you're on 1.17 or lower you have to change the ores generation:

  • Open these files and set enabled: true.

    • contents\iaalchemy\configs\worlds_populators_old.yml

    • contents\iasurvival\ores\configs\worlds_populators_old.yml

  • Open these files and set enabled: false.

    • contents\iaalchemy\configs\worlds_populators_1_18.yml

    • contents\iasurvival\ores\configs\worlds_populators_1_18.yml

Removing default items (optional)

🗑ī¸Removing default stuff

Last updated

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