📃Recipes menu

/ia command menu

ia_gui.yml contains settings about the /ia command GUI. It also contains the "all" category which shows every ItemsAdder item.

Default ItemsAdder pack categories are inside categories.yml files on each namespace folder. For example: contents/iasurvival/configs/categories.yml

Creating a custom category

If you want to create your own category you have to create and add it to your own .yml file in your namespace. Do not add your categories into the ia_gui.yml file! This is an example:

  namespace: my_items
    enabled: true
    icon: "my_items:custom_item"
    name: 'Swords'
    permission: "ia.menu.swords"
    # THIS IS OPTIONAL. Plugin will take the one in ia_gui.yml if not set.
      name: "mcguis:blank_menu"
      x_position_pixels: -16
    # THIS IS OPTIONAL. Plugin will take the one in ia_gui.yml if not set.
    title_position_pixels: 0
      - "my_items:custom_item"
      - "my_items:custom_item_2"
      - "my_items:custom_item_3"

Remember to give your users permission for each category if you want them to see the categories. This example category permission is: ia.menu.seecategory.swords

font_image and title_position_pixels are optional. Plugin will take the one in ia_gui.yml if not set.

This option is good if you want to have a different background for each category.

Categories with the same name and different namespace will be merged, this is helpful if you have two "swords" categories. This allows you to open /ia menu and see all swords organized in the same category instead of having 2 swords categories.

Last updated

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