this property can have these value:
uses a real block (note_block), no lag, no entities, 100% real blocks.
no support for transparency.
max of 750 blocks in total.
uses a real block (mushroom), no lag, no entities, 100% real blocks. (although it's advised to use
which is more stable).downsides:
max of 191 blocks in total
uses a real block (chorus), no lag, no entities, 100% real blocks, also with transparency support!
max of 63 blocks in total
uses a real block (tripwire), no lag, no entities, 100% real blocks.
max of 127 blocks in total.
uses tile blocks (modified spawner with custom skin). It's not an entity but it have some downsides. Good thing is that you can create infinite blocks, there is no amount limit like REAL blocks.
not a 100% real block, it's a retextured spawner
texture/model vanishes on high distance, so it will reveal the spawner vanilla texture
it could cause clientside lag if A LOT of blocks are in the player field of view, but only on lowend PCs.
this is a special type of block, it's the fire block.
only a max of 14 custom fires is possible, so be sure to create only the ones you need.
It's better to use REAL and REAL_NOTE blocks for decorative blocks/ores and use TILE blocks for trade machines and machinery/rare decorative blocks. You should not use TILE blocks for ores because it COULD cause a bit of lag on chunk generation.
This allows to make some blocks placeable directly on water surface.
This allows to make some blocks placeable directly on lava surface.
This allows to make some blocks placed 1 block up. This is useful for REAL_WIRE
blocks to create tall plants.
Cancel drop when block is broken. Useful if you have any mineral that will drop out of the block (loots), to avoid exploits.
If you use silk touch enchanted tool to break the block you will still get the block but it won't drop any item from its loot
Tools blacklist and whitelist
You can set "_PICKAXE" so every pickaxe will match the list rule, also "_AXE" as the plugin checks if the material name contains the word you set in the rule. It also works for custom items ids, so for example if you set "ruby_" every ruby tool will work (ruby_pickaxe, ruby_axe...)
Blacklist of tools that cannot break this block
Whitelist of tools that can break this block
Blacklist of tools that cannot run events on this block (placed_block.interact
Whitelist of tools that cannot run events on this block (placed_block.interact
Other options
Hardness of the block, it makes it more difficult to be mined. Refer to my blocks to get some examples (check blocks.yml file inside itemsadder namespace).
Explosion resistance (by default is hardness * 3
Totally immune from explosions, ignoring blast_resistance
You can change block break and place sounds. You can specify a custom sound name instead of a Minecraft sound. You can specify both Spigot sounds or vanilla Minecraft sounds names.
If no break sound is specified it will play BLOCK_STONE_BREAK
If no place sound is specified it will play the default sound of the vanilla material you set in the resource attribute of this block.
Last updated
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